Are Canned Fried Apples the Same as Apple Pie Filling?

When it comes to making a quick and delicious dessert, many home cooks reach for canned products to save time and effort. Two popular canned items that often appear in sweet recipes are fried apples and apple pie filling. But are canned fried apples the same as apple pie filling? Although they might seem similar at first glance, they serve different culinary purposes and have distinct flavor profiles, textures, and uses. This article will delve into the differences between these two canned products, their ingredients, and how they are typically used in cooking and baking.

Understanding Canned Fried Apples

Canned fried apples are a delightful product made from slices of apples that have been fried or sautéed with sugar, butter, and sometimes spices. The apples are cooked until they achieve a tender yet slightly firm texture, making them perfect as a side dish or as a topping for various desserts like pancakes or waffles. The flavor of canned fried apples is rich and buttery with a hint of caramelization due to the frying process.

Ingredients and Preparation of Canned Fried Apples

The key ingredients in canned fried apples typically include apple slices, sugar, butter, and cinnamon. Some variations may include additional spices like nutmeg or allspice, or a touch of lemon juice to balance the sweetness. The apples are cooked in butter, which adds richness and enhances the natural flavors of the apples. The sugar caramelizes slightly during the cooking process, giving the apples a deep, sweet flavor.

Common Uses for Canned Fried Apples

Canned fried apples are versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. They are often served as a side dish, particularly in Southern cuisine, where they complement savory items like pork chops or ham. Additionally, they can be used as a topping for oatmeal, pancakes, waffles, or ice cream. Their rich, sweet flavor also makes them an excellent addition to cakes, muffins, and other baked goods.

What is Apple Pie Filling?

Apple pie filling is specifically formulated for use in making apple pies, as the name suggests. It consists of sliced apples that are mixed with sugar, spices, and often a thickening agent like cornstarch or flour. The apples in the filling are typically softer than those in canned fried apples because they are meant to cook down and meld into a pie crust during baking.

Ingredients and Preparation of Apple Pie Filling

The main ingredients in apple pie filling are apple slices, sugar, cinnamon, and a thickener such as cornstarch. Some recipes or canned versions may also include other spices like nutmeg, allspice, or cloves, and a bit of lemon juice to add brightness. The apples in pie filling are usually pre-cooked or partially cooked, which allows them to soften and create a cohesive filling when baked in a pie.

Common Uses for Apple Pie Filling

Apple pie filling is most commonly used as the filling for apple pies, but it can also be used in other desserts like cobblers, crisps, and turnovers. The thickened sauce that surrounds the apples makes it ideal for baked goods that require a sturdy filling that won’t leak or become watery during baking. Additionally, apple pie filling can be used as a topping for cheesecake or mixed into yogurt or oatmeal for a quick, flavorful treat.

Comparing Canned Fried Apples and Apple Pie Filling

While canned fried apples and apple pie filling share some similarities, they are not the same product and are used differently in recipes. Below, we explore the key differences in terms of ingredients, texture, flavor, and usage.

Ingredients: Canned Fried Apples vs. Apple Pie Filling
  • Canned Fried Apples: The primary ingredients are apples, sugar, butter, and spices. The butter used in the cooking process is a significant differentiator, adding a rich, savory element to the sweet apples.
  • Apple Pie Filling: This typically includes apples, sugar, spices, and a thickening agent like cornstarch. The thickening agent is crucial for creating the cohesive, gel-like consistency needed for pie filling.
Texture: Canned Fried Apples vs. Apple Pie Filling
  • Canned Fried Apples: These have a tender yet slightly firm texture due to the frying process. The apple slices remain distinct and hold their shape well.
  • Apple Pie Filling: The texture is softer and more cohesive, with the apple slices often breaking down more during cooking. The filling is designed to be more of a smooth, consistent mixture that fills a pie crust evenly.
Flavor: Canned Fried Apples vs. Apple Pie Filling
  • Canned Fried Apples: The flavor is rich and buttery with a hint of caramelization, thanks to the frying process. The spices are usually more subtle, allowing the natural sweetness of the apples to shine.
  • Apple Pie Filling: The flavor is sweeter and more spiced, often with a pronounced cinnamon or nutmeg note. The thickened sauce adds to the overall sweetness and enhances the spices.
Usage: Canned Fried Apples vs. Apple Pie Filling
  • Canned Fried Apples: Best used as a side dish, topping, or ingredient in non-pie desserts. They can be eaten on their own, added to breakfast dishes, or used in baked goods that don’t require a thick filling.
  • Apple Pie Filling: Specifically designed for use in pies and similar desserts that require a thick, cohesive filling. It’s perfect for baked dishes where the filling needs to hold together well during baking.

Can You Substitute One for the Other?

In a pinch, you might wonder if you can substitute canned fried apples for apple pie filling or vice versa. The answer is yes, but with some caveats.

Using Canned Fried Apples as a Substitute

If you’re out of apple pie filling and only have canned fried apples, you can use them as a substitute, but you may need to make some adjustments. Since fried apples are not as thick and cohesive as pie filling, you might want to add a bit of cornstarch to the mixture to achieve the desired consistency. Additionally, the buttery flavor of fried apples will be more pronounced, which could slightly alter the taste of your pie.

Using Apple Pie Filling as a Substitute

On the other hand, if you want to use apple pie filling in place of canned fried apples, the substitution is easier, but keep in mind that the filling is sweeter and has a more pronounced spice flavor. You may need to reduce the amount of sugar or spices in your recipe to balance the flavors. Apple pie filling might also be too soft for certain dishes that rely on the firmer texture of fried apples.

Nutritional Comparison

When considering which product to use, it’s also important to think about the nutritional content.

Nutritional Profile of Canned Fried Apples
  • Fat Content: Higher in fat due to the butter used in the cooking process.
  • Sugar Content: Typically contains more sugar than apple pie filling, contributing to a richer, more indulgent flavor.
  • Caloric Content: Can be higher in calories, especially if additional sugar or butter is used.
Nutritional Profile of Apple Pie Filling
  • Fat Content: Lower in fat as it typically does not contain butter.
  • Sugar Content: The thickening agent can add a few extra calories but not significantly.
  • Caloric Content: Often contains less sugar than fried apples, especially if homemade, allowing for a slightly lighter dessert.

For those watching their calorie or fat intake, apple pie filling might be the better choice. However, if you’re looking for a more decadent, buttery flavor, canned fried apples are the way to go.

How to Make Your Own Canned Fried Apples or Apple Pie Filling

If you prefer homemade versions, making your own canned fried apples or apple pie filling is relatively simple and allows you to control the ingredients and flavors.

Making Homemade Canned Fried Apples
  1. Ingredients:
    • 6 large apples (peeled, cored, and sliced)
    • 1/2 cup unsalted butter
    • 1/2 cup brown sugar
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg (optional)
  2. Instructions:
    1. Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
    2. Add the apple slices and cook until they start to soften.
    3. Sprinkle the brown sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg over the apples.
    4. Continue to cook, stirring occasionally, until the apples are tender and the sugar has caramelized.
    5. Let the mixture cool before canning or using in your favorite recipes.
Making Homemade Apple Pie Filling
  1. Ingredients:
    • 6 large apples (peeled, cored, and sliced)
    • 3/4 cup sugar
    • 2 tablespoons cornstarch
    • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
    • 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
    • 1/4 cup water
    • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  2. Instructions:
    1. In a large saucepan, combine the sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, nutmeg, water, and lemon juice.
    2. Cook over medium heat until the mixture begins to thicken.
    3. Add the apple slices and stir to coat them with the mixture.
    4. Continue to cook until the apples are tender and the filling is thickened.
    5. Allow to cool before using or canning.

Tips for Storing Canned Fried Apples and Apple Pie Filling

Proper storage of canned goods ensures their longevity and preserves their flavor.

Storing Canned Fried Apples
  • Store unopened cans in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  • Once opened, transfer any unused fried apples to an airtight container and refrigerate. Use within 5-7 days.
Storing Apple Pie Filling
  • Unopened cans should be stored similarly to canned fried apples, in a cool, dry place.
  • After opening, store any leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Homemade versions can be frozen for up to 6 months.

Pairing Suggestions

Both canned fried apples and apple pie filling pair well with a variety of dishes. Here are some ideas:

Pairing with Canned Fried Apples
  • Serve as a side dish with pork chops, roasted chicken, or ham.
  • Use as a topping for pancakes, waffles, or French toast.
  • Add to oatmeal or yogurt for a sweet, comforting breakfast.
Pairing with Apple Pie Filling
  • Perfect for traditional apple pie, cobblers, and crisps.
  • Use as a filling for turnovers, strudels, or hand pies.
  • Spoon over vanilla ice cream or mix into a milkshake for a decadent treat.


In conclusion, while canned fried apples and apple pie filling might seem similar, they are distinct products with different ingredients, textures, and uses. Understanding these differences can help you choose the right product for your cooking and baking needs. Whether you’re making a classic apple pie, a quick dessert, or a savory side dish, knowing when to use canned fried apples versus apple pie filling will ensure your dish turns out perfectly every time.

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